Iran, Bahrain poised to re-establish diplomatic ties in near future: Bahraini lawmaker

May 26, 2024 - 22:7

TEHRAN - Deputy Speaker of the Bahraini Parliament, Abdul Nabi Salman, announced on Saturday that Bahrain and Iran are on the path to restoring diplomatic relations with the support of Russia, emphasizing the importance of fostering good neighborly ties between the two nations.

In an interview, the Bahraini lawmaker expressed that the process of reestablishing relations with Iran has garnered positive responses from both the Bahraini government and its people, with the Bahraini parliament issuing a statement welcoming this development. Salman underscored the significance of reviving political and commercial connections with Iran, citing the neighboring country's proximity and the mutual support for unity and stability in the region.

Highlighting the long-standing trade exchanges and shared residency of Iranian citizens in Bahrain and vice versa, Salman emphasized the unique closeness between the two countries within the Persian Gulf. He stressed the necessity of Russia's anticipated support as a mediator in facilitating the restoration of relations between Tehran and Manama, given Russia's vested interests in regional stability and robust ties with Persian Gulf nations.

These remarks follow the recent visit of Bahrain's foreign minister to Tehran for the funeral of President Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi and King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's trip to Moscow, during which he advocated for the reinstatement of diplomatic relations between Bahrain and Iran.

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